I’ve installed phylophlan by running the command: conda create -n “phylophlan” -c bioconda phylophlan=3.0.
I then ran: ‘conda activate phylophlan’ and ‘phylophlan_write_default_configs.sh [output_folder]’.
This all works and when I test the installation I get: PhyloPhlAn version 3.0.60 (27 November 2020)
Then, I tried running the first example of the manual by just running ‘sh run_01.sh’.
This works up until Step 4 where I get a lot of errors that I don’t understand well.
First, I get: [e] “/opt/anaconda3/envs/phylophlan/lib/python3.10/site-packages/phylophlan/phylophlan_configs/” folder does not exists
and then: [e] program not installed or not present in the system path
command_line: FastTreeMP
I checked in the forum and saw that people also got the first error but understood that this should be corrected in the latest conda version?
I also tried running just the piece of code that is in the Step 4 of the tutorial. Then, I get the same first error but then I get a different second error:
[e] Command ‘[’/opt/anaconda3/envs/phylophlan/bin/diamond’, ‘makedb’, ‘–threads’, ‘1’, ‘–in’, ‘/quispe/Downloads/phylophlan-master/phylophlan/examples/01_saureus/s__Staphylococcus_aureus/s__Staphylococcus_aureus.faa’, ‘–db’, ‘/quispe/Downloads/phylophlan-master/phylophlan/examples/01_saureus/s__Staphylococcus_aureus/s__Staphylococcus_aureus’]’ returned non-zero exit status 1.
I tried adding an empty ‘phylophlan_configs’ folder to ‘…/site-packages/phylophlan’ and the first error message goes away but I’m still stuck with the other problems.
I’ve spent all day trying to make this work to try it on my data so any input you could give me would be very appreciated!