Upgrading to more recent Uniref databases for Humann3


I have downloaded the latest version of Uniref:

Then, I’ve used the following command to create a Diamond database from the FASTA file:
diamond makedb --in uniref50.fasta -d uniref50.dmnd

When I ran Humann3 with this database using the command below:

--input test/humann-3.6.1/examples/demo.fastq.gz
--output test/uniref_2023_03_01 uniref_2023_03_01 
--metaphlan-options="--index mpa_vJan21_CHOCOPhlAnSGB_202103 
--bowtie2db mpa_vJan21_CHOCOPhlAnSGB_202103 "  
--nucleotide-database db/chocophlan   
--protein-database 'uniref_2023_03_01/diamond

I found that the “uniref50.dmnd” file in the “uniref_2023_03_01/diamond” directory was causing an error message:

CRITICAL ERROR: The directory provided for the translated database contains files ( uniref50.dmnd ) that are not of the expected version. Please install the latest version of the database: 201901b

However, renaming “uniref50.dmnd” to “uniref50_201901b_full.dmns” allowed Humann3 to work.

I’m asking if I can do that because the error message discouraging me to do that. Also, you said this here: Thoughts on custom humann3 reference databases - #5 by franzosa

So, can I use Humann3 with the latest version uniref database like I have done, can this cause any issues?

Best regards,
Jérémy Tournayre