Run Humann on uniref90_201901 database

I’m using humann version 3.9. I want to run it on a series of files where I have performed MetaPhlAn community profiling using MPA3 algorithm and database mpa_v30_CHOCOPhlAn_201901.
I want to perform the next step with Humann on Diamond’s uniref90_201901 version. It seems that my installed Diamond database is a slightly different version: the file is named uniref90_201901b_full.dmnd, which leads me to believe I have uniref90_201901b instead of uniref90_201901.
However, if I try to download this version with:
humann_databases --download uniref uniref90_201901 uniref90/
I get an error:
ERROR: Please select an available build.
Are uniref90_201901 and uniref90_201901b different databases? Is there a way to download uniref90_201901 instead of uniref90_201901b?