Metaphlan4_database problem

I’ve had database problems with Metaphlan4, but I don’t know what the problem is, When I run the following command:

metaphlan /ifswh4/B2C_ZH1/shihong/project/n9Fn/CRCZZ0633_f.rmhost.1.fq.gz /ifswh4/B2C_ZH1/shihong/project/n9Fn/CRCZZ0633_f.rmhost.2.fq.gz
–bowtie2db /home/chenshihong1/software/mambaforge/envs/metaphlan4/lib/python3.7/site-packages/metaphlan/metaphlan_databases
–bowtie2out CRCZZ0633.bowtie2.bz2
–nproc 5
–input_type fastq
-o CRCZZ0633.txt
-t rel_ab_w_read_stats
-x mpa_vJun23_CHOCOPhlAnSGB_202403
I have obtained a file “CRCZZ0633.bowtie2.bz2” , But file "CRCZZ0633.txt " is missing.
My database file is shown in the picture:

My database installation process is as follows:

Can someone help me? I’d appreciate it.