MaAsLin3 conda request

Hi all,

Completely understand that this is a tall order, especially for a pre-printed codebase, but I (and I believe the wider community) would really appreciate it if you made MaAsLin3 available via conda.



Hi Zheludev,

Thanks for the suggestion - I’ll take this up with the team. As you probably know, MaAsLin 3 should be available from Bioconductor in the next release, and it’s available from GitHub right now. What would be the advantage to you of installing MaAsLin 3 with Conda provide over installing through R?


Hi Will,

I guess there shouldn’t be too big of a difference.

Currently (w/o conda / bioconductor), folks without sudo privileges will struggle because of the harfbuzz / fribidi dependencies…

All the best,


Ah - hopefully once it’s on Bioconductor that’ll be cleared up. If Bioconductor or Conda work equally well, I’ll stick with just Bioconductor then - one less thing to manage. Also, I’m not sure if it helps with the privileges, but you can install from the biobakery division of Bioconductor already:

if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
