Hello Biobakery Team,
I using the docker version of the latest Humann3 (docker pull biobakery/humann:latest). I am facing an issue with the library GLPK. I had tried using humann3 with conda installation as well, I face a similar issue even after installing the latest GLPK library. Could you please let me how to resolve this? Thanks
GLPSOL: GLPK LP/MIP Solver, v4.55
Parameter(s) specified in the command line:
-o humann_temp_wawjnneh/tmphxn44evf/tmp8_vfw1c4.LPout
Reading problem data from ‘/humann_temp_wawjnneh/tmphxn44evf/tmp8_vfw1c4’…
/humann_temp_wawjnneh/tmphxn44evf/tmp8_vfw1c4:1: unexpected end of file
MPS file processing error
Error when running glpsol from MinPath.
Error message returned from glpsol :
GLPSOL: GLPK LP/MIP Solver, v4.55
Parameter(s) specified in the command line:
-o /humann_temp_wawjnneh/tmphxn44evf/tmpp_oc57rz.LPout
Reading problem data from ‘/humann_temp_wawjnneh/tmphxn44evf/tmpp_oc57rz’…
Problem: PATH
Objective: NUM
/humann_temp_wawjnneh/tmphxn44evf/tmpp_oc57rz:297: warning: missing final end of line
/humann_temp_wawjnneh/tmphxn44evf/tmpp_oc57rz:297: missing row name in field 3
MPS file processing error
CRITICAL ERROR: Unable to process all thread commands.