Galaxy problems: MaAsLin


We have been trying to run MaAsLin on Galaxy, but the click response time have been very slow, and when finally got a response, we obtained the following error message, even when we used a .pcl file that had previously worked: “Job ran longer than the maximum allowed execution time (runtime: 0:15:15, limit: 00:15:00), please try different inputs or parameters”.
Is there anything wrong with the program or server?

Thank you!
Best regards,

Hi @Ana_Henriques,

This was around the time the server was down - can you try again?

MaAsLin is also one of our tools that can easily be used in R and downloaded in Bioconductor if you are an R person. See the tutorial here

I hope this helps!

Hi @Kelsey_Thompson,

Thank you so much for the help!

We are still having problems with the Galaxy server… But we are going to try with R.

Thank you!
Best regards!