Hi Eric, @franzosa I am using humann v3.0.0. I have downloaded Chocophlan and Uniref90 full databases running humann_databases --download chocophlan full $INSTALL_LOCATION and humann_databases --download uniref uniref90_diamond $INSTALL_LOCATION respectively. I have paired-end data, and converted it to a single file through cat.
when I ran humann --input SLG_cat.fastq --output humann3_output I am getting an error message CRITICAL ERROR: The directory provided for ChocoPhlAn contains files ( full_chocophlan.v296_201901.tar.gz ) that are not of the expected version. Please install the latest version of the database: 201901b.
I followed this link Difficulty downloading databases in humann3 - #24 by sagunmaharjann and downloaded full_chocophlan.v296_201901b.tar.gz and configured the path. when I reran humann --input SLG_cat.fastq --output humann3_output I got another error CRITICAL ERROR: The directory provided for ChocoPhlAn does not contain files of the expected format (ie ā^[g__][s__]ā).
I am unable to detect where Iām doing wrong.
Pls help me out.