11/09/2020 05:41:50 PM - humann.utilities - DEBUG: Check software, diamond, for required version, 0.9.24
11/09/2020 05:41:50 PM - humann.utilities - CRITICAL: Can not call software version for diamond
$ diamond --version
diamond version 2.0.4
$ diamond dbinfo --db uniref90_201901.dmnd
diamond v2.0.4.142 (C) Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science
Documentation, support and updates available at http://www.diamondsearch.org
Database format version = 2
Diamond build = 125
Sequences = 87296736
Letters = 29247941583
$ diamond getseq -d uniref90_201901.dmnd | rg "^>" | wc -l
Hello, Thank you for the detailed post and sorry for any confusion. HUMAnN is compatible with diamond version 0.9.24 but not yet with the latest diamond v2. If you would roll back your diamond version it should resolve the errors you are seeing.
It seems that the diamond version is not right. However, I checked the diamond version requirement in website. It is ok when diamond version is from 0.8.22 to 0.9. My diamond version is right, my diamond version is, but the error say my diamond needs updates. I am very confused about this error. Thanks for your help!!
Hello, Sorry for the slow response. You are right that HUMAnN v2 expects those diamond versions listed. HUMAnN checks the diamond version at the beginning and will issue a warning if the version does not match that expected. Did you see a warning message? It looks like from your post the error is during the diamond run. Does the diamond message include more information and if so can you post? Sorry again for the slow reply.
Hello Lauren,
I have came across similar error message too. Looks like diamond 0.9.24 is not compatible with humann3.
not sure what shall I do…
I am also having issues when running humann. My specific error is:
humann --input 6070_08-30-17_1.fq.gz --output /labs/asbhatt/rbrewster/gvhd/humann3/
WARNING: Can not call software version for bowtie2
CRITICAL ERROR: Can not call software version for diamond
This was returned when trying both diamond versions 0.9.24 and 0.9.36. Interestingly, the UniRef90 database seems to only be compatible with version 0.9.36. Thanks in advance for any support you can provide!
Sorry for the late reply - this feels like a separate issue: something is preventing HUMAnN from calling (e.g.) bowtie2 --version during testing. Are you able to execute that command from a terminal? If so, what does it return?