CRITICAL ERROR: Can not call software version for diamond

I try to run human v3.9 on a mock sequencing reads file (FASTA format).

humann -i data/GCF_000005845.2_ASM584v2_genomic_reads.fasta -o data/test_out

However, in the process, I get following error:

CRITICAL ERROR: Can not call software version for diamond

I tried specifying Diamond version during installation with pip, but version pointed in the manual (0.9.36) does not exist neither in pip nor in the Git repository of Diamond.

What’s the best approach to deal with this issue?

FYI the solution was to manually search through the HUMAnN repository to find out that the actual required version of Diamond is 2.0.15 and then installing it manually from the Diamond repository.

Glad you figured this out, and indeed everyone should be using HUMAnN with DIAMOND v2.0, as one of the latter DIAMOND 0.9.x versions we were recommending had a critical software bug. There is discussion about it elsewhere on the forum if interested.

Thanks for confirmation - would be great to have this clarified in the instructions in some of the future releases, if possible :slight_smile: