Welcome to Hutlab Forum

Welcome to the bioBakery tools and tutorials forum, which provides software, documentation, and tutorials for methods for microbial community profiling developed by the Huttenhower lab. Most tools are supported both as individual software packages (typically Python or R) and within the bioBakery virtual image, a pre-built platform that provides meta’omic analysis tools already installed with dependencies and configuration. For the integrated bioBakery virtual environment, please click here.

Here are some tips for getting started:

  1. Feel free to browse existing questions and answers.
  2. To post a new question, please sign up / in using the buttons at the top right.
  3. For questions about a specific bioBakery tool (e.g. HUMAnN), please post to the corresponding category.
  4. For all other questions, please post to the “General Science” category.