Pathway abundance file only includes 9 species

MetaPhlAn version 4.0.6 (1 Mar 2023)

humann v3.9

I ran humann3 and it seemed to run smoothly with no issues, outputting those final 3 tsv files, but when I looked at the pathway abundance file, only 9 species were represented even though the bugs_list.tsv file has at least 55 species-level taxa listed. I’m confused about why there would only be pathways associated with such a small subset of my output.

For reference, this is the code I used to run humann (done on my institution’s HPC cluster):

module load humann/3.9

cd /scratch/g/jkirby/Matt_WGS_analysis_LK/

for fastq in 01_QC_IU_nomouse/merged_seqs/*.gz; do humann --input $fastq --output humann_output; done