MetaPhlAn 3.0 Tutorial: Error in Running Single Sample


I am trying to run the MetaPhlAn 3.0 tutorial command below:
metaphlan SRS014476-Supragingival_plaque.fasta.gz --input_type fasta > SRS014476-Supragingival_plaque_profile.txt

When I run this, I get the following error:
(mpa) metaphlan_analysis % metaphlan SRS014476-Supragingival_plaque.fasta.gz --input_type fasta > SRS014476-Supragingival_plaque_profile.txt

Downloading MetaPhlAn database
Please note due to the size this might take a few minutes

File /opt/anaconda3/envs/mpa/lib/python3.8/site-packages/metaphlan/metaphlan_databases/mpa_v30_CHOCOPhlAn_201901.tar already present!

File /opt/anaconda3/envs/mpa/lib/python3.8/site-packages/metaphlan/metaphlan_databases/mpa_v30_CHOCOPhlAn_201901.md5 already present!
MD5 checksums do not correspond! If this happens again, you should remove the database files and rerun MetaPhlAn so they are re-downloaded

My metaphlan_analysis folder contains the following subfolder and files:

I installed MetaPhlAn with no issues. My db MetaPhlAn_databases folder contains the following files downloaded manually from Google Drive:

Conda version 4.11.0
Python version 3.8 (I used v. 3.8 instead of 3.7 in the installation, ie. conda create --name mpa -c bioconda python=3.8 metaphlan)

Thank you for your help.

Has anyone had a similar issue or suggestions to troubleshoot? Thanks!