LEfSe "plot Cladogram" visulization problem

The shaded area in the cladogram has been shifted to the right side. I have ran the same data in the legacy website of galaxy which visualized the cladogram correctly. But this new biobakery site of LEfSe is shifting the shaded area of taxa to the right side automatically. Which do not reflect the right interpretation. How can i solve this problem?

I change the lefse_plot_cladogram.py line 270:
ax.bar(fr_0, clto, width = fr_1-fr_0, bottom = float(l-1)/float(de), alpha = params[‘alpha’], color=col, edgecolor=col)
ax.bar(fr_0, clto, width = fr_1-fr_0, bottom = float(l-1)/float(de), align=‘edge’, alpha = params[‘alpha’], color=col, edgecolor=col)