I am new to LEfSe and am trying to do a LEfSe analysis for a human milk microbiome dataset I have, and I seem to be having difficulty getting LEfSe to read in my file and format it for analysis. I
Once I hit “Execute” on the dialog box to Format Data for LEfSe, I get this error (Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/shed_tools/testtoolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/george-weingart/lefse/a6284ef17bf3/lefse/format_input.py”, line 435, in
feats = numerical_values(feats,params[‘norm_v’])
File “/shed_tools/testtoolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/george-weingart/lefse/a6284ef17bf3/lefse/format_input.py”, line 174, in numerical_values
feats[k] = [float(val) for val in v]
ValueError: could not convert string to float: MN2544_VT1303
I’d really appreciate some guidance!
Thank you,
[Here’s the input file I can’t seem to upload]
Organized otu_table_rows_final (1).tsv (20.4 KB)