Humann installation error

I’m trying to install Humann, and facing this trouble, Could you please help to solve this?
C:\Users\udesh>conda install -c bioconda metaphlan

  • bioconda
  • defaults
  • conda-forge
  • leukocare
    Platform: win-64
    Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): done
    Solving environment: failed

LibMambaUnsatisfiableError: Encountered problems while solving:

  • nothing provides bowtie2 >=2.0.0 needed by metaphlan-2.8.1-py_0

Could not solve for environment specs
The following packages are incompatible
└─ metaphlan is not installable because there are no viable options
├─ metaphlan [2.8.1|3.0] would require
│ └─ bowtie2 >=2.0.0 , which does not exist (perhaps a missing channel);
└─ metaphlan [3.0|3.0.0.alpha|…|4.0.6] would require
└─ bowtie2 >=2.3.0 , which does not exist (perhaps a missing channel).

Hi @Sithara_Udeshi
Please, move the post to the humann subforum to better adress your problem