Further explanation needed re oct22_fix_tax.tsv


I’ve noticed a relatively new file called oct22_fix_tax.tsv (MetaPhlAn/metaphlan/utils/oct22_fix_tax.tsv at master · biobakery/MetaPhlAn · GitHub). The explanation is “Rename profiles consistently to new db version”. However, it’s not clear which db version it is aiming to be consistent with. Can anyone provide further explanation, please?


Hi @em_joyce ,

In the vOct22_202212 database there were some taxonomic inconsistencies. It has now been fixed in a vOct22_202403 updated version of the database, which contains the same SGBs with fixed taxonomic labels. The file you noticed is used by the fix_relab_mpa4.py script that allows you to fix the taxonomy of profiles built with vOct22_202212. More details at: Announcing MetaPhlAn 4.1.1 release