I’m having some problems with the examples files. I want to run HuManN (v4.0)
humann --input "$fastq_file" --output "$sample_output_dir"
But I always have this error
humann.search.prescreen - ERROR: The relative abundance and coverage were not found in the MetaPhlAn taxonomic profile. Please run MetaPhlAn with the option(s): -t rel_ab_w_read_stats.
So I tried with:
humann --input "$fastq_file" --output "$sample_output_dir" --metaphlan-options="-t rel_ab_w_read_stats"
humann --input "$fastq_file" --output "$sample_output_dir" --metaphlan-options="-t rel_ab"
humann --input "$fastq_file" --output "$sample_output_dir" --metaphlan-options="-t reads_map"
But I always have the same error, and nothing changes. Do you have any idea? Because I have metaphlan --version MetaPhlAn version 4.0.0 (22 Aug 2022)
and if I run it alone, I do not have any errors!
Thank you