Hello everyone,
I am trying to use the phylophlan3 concatenation tree pipeline to construct a tree using proteomes. I received an error message while the program is executing RAxML.
[e] Command ‘[’/scratch/c/careg421/ruizhang/standard-RAxML-8.2.12/raxmlHPC-PTHREADS-SSE3’, ‘-m’, ‘PROTCATLG’, ‘-f’, ‘a’, ‘-x’, ‘12345’, ‘-p’, ‘12345’, ‘-N’, ‘autoMRE’,
‘-T’, ‘20’, ‘-t’, ‘/scratch/c/careg421/ruizhang/phylophlan3_output/hgcA_genomes1/hgcA_selected_resolved.tre’, ‘-w’, ‘/scratch/c/careg421/ruizhang/phylophlan3_output/h
gcA_genomes1’, ‘-s’, ‘/scratch/c/careg421/ruizhang/phylophlan3_output/hgcA_genomes1/hgcA_selected_concatenated.aln’, ‘-n’, ‘hgcA_selected_refined.tre’]’ returned non-z
ero exit status 255.[e] error while executing
command_line: /scratch/c/careg421/ruizhang/standard-RAxML-8.2.12/raxmlHPC-PTHREADS-SSE3 -m PROTCATLG -f a -x 12345 -p 12345 -N autoMRE -T 20 -t /scratch/c/careg421/ruizhang/phylophlan3_output/hgcA_genomes1/hgcA_selected_resolved.tre -w /scratch/c/careg421/ruizhang/phylophlan3_output/hgcA_genomes1 -s /scratch/c/careg421/ruizhang/phylophlan3_output/hgcA_genomes1/hgcA_selected_concatenated.aln -n hgcA_selected_refined.tre
Here is the command I used:
phylophlan -i $genomes
-d phylophlan
–databases_folder phylophlan3_db
-f supermatrix_aa.cfg
–diversity low
-o $output
–nproc 80
The configuration file used was one of the defualts, with slight modifications to the RAxML parameters. (see error message)
I tried to toubleshoot by running the command /scratch/c/careg421/ruizhang/standard-RAxML-8.2.12/raxmlHPC-PTHREADS-SSE3 -h,
and it seems RAxML works fine, so I am not sure why there is an issue executing the program within phylophlan.
BTW, I installed the software using pip, and ran the program under a virutal python environment in a university HPC, rather than conda. Phylophlan version is 3.0.2. RAxML version is 8.2.12.
Any insights as to what might have caused this issue? Thank you!