humann --input-format biom --input compiled_kraken2_report_otu_max_p_min_s.biom --output b1_humann
Output files will be written to: /iitjhome/kapoor2/metagenome_bsc/humann-3.6.1/b1_humann
CRITICAL ERROR: Input file of unknown format.
humann --input-format biom --input compiled_kraken2_report_otu_max_p_min_s.biom --output b1_humann
Output files will be written to: /iitjhome/kapoor2/metagenome_bsc/humann-3.6.1/b1_humann
CRITICAL ERROR: Input file of unknown format.
Hello, The biom format should be supported in HUMAnN. Is it possible your biom file includes all of the samples in your data set? If so, if you would split your file into a file per sample this should resolve the error.
Thank you,