Dear Halla:
I have encountered an problem when running latest Halla 0.8.17 : For now, it has been taking around 14 hours to conduct similarity calculation between two datasets features calculation.
I am wonder an expected estimation or acceptable time interval for my task, to help take normal and abnormal conditions apart.
I have assign 8 cores (with --nproc para) but it does not work under WSL environment of Windows 10 of my laptop.
I have list my data, command, and system info:
20 features and 15 samples are used from first datesets
19837 features and 15 samples are used from second datesets
Output files will be written to: C:\Users\path\dir
0:03:14.560000 h:m:s similarity caluclation between two datasets features time —
Intel I7-4720HQ and 16 GB memory with 18% and 40% occupation respectively.
Run program in python2.7 environment created by Anaconda.
Example data run swiftly and no Errors.
Follow the instructor
halla -X huichang_2020-02-18_genus_halla.txt -Y huichang_2020-02-18_genes_halla.txt --nproc 8 -o pouchitis_output -m spearman --header -q 0.05
Thank you very much. Any suggestion is welcome. I look forward for your reply.
Best regards,