Script for visualisation - BioBakery paper (Beghinin, 2021)


indeed there was one more script by the time we submitted the paper. It was called You can actually find it in the 3.0.1 release of PanPhlAn here.

We actually removed it in the latest release for it was still very experimental and changed a lot. We are currently working on improving and expending these functionalities in a new release and the code still need some work.

This script (the old version in PanPhlAn 3.0.1) will perform clustering of genes families based on co-presence/absence.
It can also provide a basic Heatmap visualization of the PanPhlAn profile. If you are more interested in the visualization part, check also Tutorial; guidance on vizualisation - #2 by leonard.dubois

Let me know if you have any question regarding this script.
Best regards

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