Hi all,
I use MTX_model package 1.2.4 for differential expression analysis of MTX paired with MGX data in R. I use one fixed effect, one random effect and MGX as covariate. However, I have noted that the qvalues for the fixed effect effect on features differ between the R model on one hand and the files all_results.tsv and significant_results.tsv on the other hand. Can you help me to understand ? Is it possible, the adjustment of p-value is done only on fixed effect in R but done for all p-values (including covariate ones) when files are exported ?
My code looks like this :
unstrat_mtx_uniref90[,3:length(unstrat_mtx_uniref90)], mtd, ‘output’,
min_prevalence = 0.2,
fixed_effects = c(‘treatment’),
random_effects = c(‘grp’),
normalization = ‘NONE’,
transform = “LOG”,
standardize = FALSE,
input_dnadata = unstrat_mgx_uniref90[,3:length(unstrat_mgx_uniref90)]
Many thanks