I am trying to run the example you have on the web page. http://galaxy.biobakery.org/
Sample_LefSe_Input -->hmp_aerobiosis_small
However I am retrieving this error in the step of running the LEfSe, which I do not know how to solve. I am new in LEfSe and trying to figure out how it works for some metabolomics and microbiota analysis. Thank you in advance.
Kind regards.
An error occurred with this dataset:
Number of significantly discriminative features: 8 ( 131 ) before internal wilcoxon
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/galaxy_venv/bin/lefse_run.py”, line 33, in
sys.exit(load_entry_point(‘lefse==1.1.2’, ‘console_scripts’, 'lefse_ru
Juan Vicente-Valor
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
Faculty of Pharmacy, Complutense University.
Madrid, Spain