Kneaddata unable to interpret sequencing header format

kneaddata v0.12.0

After trimming reads, no paired end reads are found. A potential solution exists in a github pull request. I believe there were some issues with the commit, I’m unsure of the best course of action to commit these changes.

My read headers look like the following:
@VL00488:61:AAFM2HTM5:1:1101:50725:1000 1:N:0:CGTTGCAA+ATAGAGCG

I just cloned the latest git version and it worked.

v0.12.0? I get 0 paired end reads. What format is your header?

This is my header format.

@LH00169:221:22352TLT4:7:1101:51633:1042 1:N:0:ATGGTAAC+GTCTACCG
@LH00169:221:22352TLT4:7:1101:51633:1042 2:N:0:ATGGTAAC+GTCTACCG

Hm, I think the pip installation of kneaddata is behind then? when my YAML file in conda stored the kneaddata version like so -

  • pip:
    • kneaddata==0.12.0

I get an older file.

When my YAML file has kneaddata instead like so

  • kneaddata=0.12.0=pyhdfd78af_1,

it works?