I am using maaslin3 v‘0.99.1’, and am able to run the analysis when including only Treatment as a fixed effect, but when I include CageID as a random effect, Rstudio throws an error “R session aborted R encountered a fatal error.”
re<-"CageID" ##this causes fatal error
re<-NULL ##this works
fit_data = maaslin3(input_data = df.mas,
input_metadata = data,
min_prevalence = 0.01,
normalization = "NONE",
standardize = FALSE,
transform = "LOG",
output = "test",
fixed_effects = fe,
random_effects = re,
reference = ref,
summary_plot_first_n = 100
2024-12-18 16:19:02.74499 INFO::Writing function arguments to log file
2024-12-18 16:19:02.747998 DEBUG::Function arguments
2024-12-18 16:19:02.748952 DEBUG::Output folder: test
2024-12-18 16:19:02.750032 DEBUG::Formula:
2024-12-18 16:19:02.751002 DEBUG::Fixed effects: Treatment
2024-12-18 16:19:02.75177 DEBUG::Reference: Treatment,CD
2024-12-18 16:19:02.752415 DEBUG::Random effects: CageID
2024-12-18 16:19:02.753088 DEBUG::Group effects:
2024-12-18 16:19:02.753731 DEBUG::Ordered effects:
2024-12-18 16:19:02.754375 DEBUG::Strata effects:
2024-12-18 16:19:02.755014 DEBUG::Min Abundance: 0.000000
2024-12-18 16:19:02.755664 DEBUG::Min Prevalence: 0.010000
2024-12-18 16:19:02.756399 DEBUG::Zero Threshold: 0.000000
2024-12-18 16:19:02.757051 DEBUG::Min variance: 0.000000
2024-12-18 16:19:02.757669 DEBUG::Max significance: 0.100000
2024-12-18 16:19:02.75826 DEBUG::Normalization: NONE
2024-12-18 16:19:02.758895 DEBUG::Transform: LOG
2024-12-18 16:19:02.759509 DEBUG::Correction method: BH
2024-12-18 16:19:02.760107 DEBUG::Standardize: FALSE
2024-12-18 16:19:02.760718 DEBUG::Abundance median comparison: TRUE
2024-12-18 16:19:02.761307 DEBUG::Prevalence median comparison: FALSE
2024-12-18 16:19:02.761931 DEBUG::Abundance median comparison threshold: 0
2024-12-18 16:19:02.762536 DEBUG::Prevalence median comparison threshold: 0
2024-12-18 16:19:02.763127 DEBUG::Subtract median: FALSE
2024-12-18 16:19:02.763725 DEBUG::Warn prevalence: TRUE
2024-12-18 16:19:02.764314 DEBUG::Augment: TRUE
2024-12-18 16:19:02.764923 DEBUG::Evaluate only:
2024-12-18 16:19:02.765533 DEBUG::Cores: 1
2024-12-18 16:19:02.766124 DEBUG::Balanced Summary plot: FALSE
2024-12-18 16:19:02.766746 INFO::Verifying options selected are valid
2024-12-18 16:19:02.768457 INFO::Determining format of input files
2024-12-18 16:19:02.769899 INFO::Input format is data samples as columns and metadata samples as rows
2024-12-18 16:19:02.771673 DEBUG::Transformed data so samples are rows
2024-12-18 16:19:02.772453 DEBUG::A total of 34 samples were found in both the data and metadata
2024-12-18 16:19:02.773106 DEBUG::Reordering data/metadata to use same sample ordering
2024-12-18 16:19:02.774253 INFO::Formula for random effects: expr ~ (1 | CageID)
2024-12-18 16:19:02.775769 INFO::Formula for fixed effects: expr ~ Treatment
2024-12-18 16:19:02.777551 INFO::Running selected normalization method: NONE
2024-12-18 16:19:02.77962 INFO::Writing normalized data to file test/features/data_norm.tsv
2024-12-18 16:19:02.782992 INFO::Filter data based on min abundance and min prevalence
2024-12-18 16:19:02.78432 INFO::Total samples in data: 34
2024-12-18 16:19:02.785696 INFO::Min samples required with min abundance for a feature not to be filtered: 0.340000
2024-12-18 16:19:02.790075 INFO::Total filtered features: 0
2024-12-18 16:19:02.791567 INFO::Filtered feature names from abundance and prevalence filtering:
2024-12-18 16:19:02.793491 INFO::Total features filtered by non-zero variance filtering: 0
2024-12-18 16:19:02.794836 INFO::Filtered feature names from variance filtering:
2024-12-18 16:19:02.79619 INFO::Writing filtered data to file test/features/filtered_data.tsv
2024-12-18 16:19:02.799489 INFO::Running selected transform method: LOG
2024-12-18 16:19:02.801422 INFO::Writing normalized, filtered, transformed data to file test/features/data_transformed.tsv
2024-12-18 16:19:02.804887 INFO::Bypass z-score application to metadata
2024-12-18 16:19:02.80621 INFO::Running the linear model component
2024-12-18 16:19:03.091519 INFO::Fitting model to feature number 1, p__Bacteroidetes.f__Bacteroidaceae