I have run metaphlan3 without errors. The output seemed different, but it seems to be correct considering the new output format, as described in this thread Unexpected output (format)
However, running humann3 gives the following error:
$ humann --input $reads_cat --output output_dir/humann/ --output-basename $name --threads 2 --taxonomic-profile output_dir/metaphlan/${name}.metaphlan.txt
Output files will be written to: /ceph/projects/006_MiMens/fastq_process/stag-mwc/output_dir/humann
Decompressing gzipped file ...
WARNING: Can not call software version for bowtie2
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/ceph/home/luhugerth/.conda/envs/humann3/bin/humann", line 10, in <module>
File "/ceph/home/luhugerth/.conda/envs/humann3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/humann/humann.py", line 975, in main
custom_database = prescreen.create_custom_database(config.nucleotide_database, bug_file)
File "/ceph/home/luhugerth/.conda/envs/humann3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/humann/search/prescreen.py", line 102, in create_custom_database
IndexError: list index out of range
This seems to come from these lines in the prescreen.py code:
if re.search("s__", line):
# check threshold
if data[-1].replace(".","").replace("e-","").isdigit():
Although I can’t see why -2 would be out of range, since the output file seems correct. I’ve even tried awking NF, and except for the 3 header lines beginning in #, all rows have 4 tab-separated fields.
At this point it might just be easier for me to awk
away the final column, but surely there’s something I’m missing?