Humann with the latest version of metaphlan4

Dear Humann/Metaphlan4 team,

First of all congratulations for all the work you have done for such incredible tools. I am just starting to use them and I have a problem that I would like to discuss with you for help:

I have been able to run metaphlan4 perfectly with one of the latest versions of the database mpa_vJun23_CHOCOPhlAnSGB_202307 but when I try to use humann taking into account the metaphlan4 profiling, I get an error asking me to use a less updated metaphlan version (oct 2022). is it possible to use humann with the latest updated version of metaphlan4?
The humann3 version that I have is humann v3.8, is there any other more updated version?

I am running another example using metaphlan3 and this older version of the database and humann, and it seems to work correctly.

Thank you,

Olfat Khannous Lleiffe

There is a HUMAnN 3.9 announced here which should solve this:


I tried to run humann 4.0 using the output (taxonomic profile) of MetaPhlAn 4.1.0 after setting the humann database to the location of the chocophlan db (mpa_vJun23_CHOCOPhlAnSGB_202307) by updating the humann_config file and I get the following error:

CRITICAL ERROR: The directory provided for ChocoPhlAn contains files
( README.txt ) that are not of the expected version.
Please install the latest version of the database: SGB

I also tried to run humann without using the output of metaphlan and I got the same error.

Any ideas why?

Thanks in advance!

HUMAnN 4 has not been formally released yet (so it’s databases aren’t downloadable). Were you pulling the latest commit of the code?