Humann error database version

I am using humann3 installed via conda. I have tried all the methods mentioned in the tutorials and forums, but still, I am facing a problem.

CRITICAL ERROR: The directory provided for ChocoPhlAn contains files ( utility_mapping ) that are not of the expected version. Please install the latest version of the database: 201901b
conda activate biobakery3m

(biobakery3) plankton@PlanktonEcology:/media$ humann_config
HUMAnN Configuration ( Section : Name = Value )
database_folders : nucleotide = /home/plankton/Humann_databases
database_folders : protein = /home/plankton/Humann_databases
database_folders : utility_mapping = /home/plankton/INSTALL_LOCATION/utility_mapping
run_modes : resume = False
run_modes : verbose = False
run_modes : bypass_prescreen = False
run_modes : bypass_nucleotide_index = False
run_modes : bypass_nucleotide_search = False
run_modes : bypass_translated_search = False
run_modes : threads = 1
alignment_settings : evalue_threshold = 1.0
alignment_settings : prescreen_threshold = 0.01
alignment_settings : translated_subject_coverage_threshold = 50.0
alignment_settings : translated_query_coverage_threshold = 90.0
alignment_settings : nucleotide_subject_coverage_threshold = 50.0
alignment_settings : nucleotide_query_coverage_threshold = 90.0
output_format : output_max_decimals = 10
output_format : remove_stratified_output = False
output_format : remove_column_description_output = False

This the database which I am using /home/plankton/Humann_databases/uniref/uniref90_201901b_full.dmnd.

Thank you

Sorry for the slow reply. HUMAnN requires that its pangenome files of a given version (e.g. 201901b) be organized in a folder with only those pangenomes - no other files. It looks like you might have installed your utility mapping folder to the same location. We use this as a safety measure to make sure that users aren’t mapping to database files of different versions.