Humann databases need to be updated

Dear developer,

HUMAnN is an excellent software, but these three databases to be updated. Especially the utility_mapping database, which can easily regroup gene families into other functional categories.

Command: humann_databases
HUMAnN Databases ( database : build = location )
chocophlan : full =
chocophlan : DEMO =
uniref : uniref50_diamond =
uniref : uniref90_diamond =
uniref : uniref50_ec_filtered_diamond =
uniref : uniref90_ec_filtered_diamond =
uniref : DEMO_diamond =
utility_mapping : full =

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Yes, I have tried to find later versions of chocophlan but most recent version is still 2019. However for metaphlan, I can download latest marker databases, must up to date is: mpa_vJun23_CHOCOPhlAnSGB_202403.

So I have used this mpa latest database for taxonomic classification and give the result txt file to humann analysis with --taxonomic_profile parameter.

I have come accross with the warning below, which is probably related with the older version of chocophlan functional database used:
None of the species selected from the prescreen were found in the ChocoPhlAn database.

Is there any recent plans on updating functional databases as well?