I used LEfSe v1.1.2 and processed my input ASV table using dokdo.
Hi LEfSe community! I would like to ask a question about the lefse_plot_res.py
wrapper script. All of other processes before that ran smoothly. In my case, I wany to edit the resulting plot to have certain edits like having a title, autoscaling, and including other subclades/taxa in the plot, but my problem is that the following edits didn’t work for me. I provided my command below for you to check if I’ve missed something and I would like to know additional insights from you. You may also refer to my output attached. I am using Ubuntu WSL btw for commandline. Thank you very much in advance.
–title Healthy vs. Diseased Biomarkers
–subclades 6
–format pdf
Error: Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/jkaligato/apps/miniforge3/envs/lefse/bin/lefse_plot_res.py”, line 10, in
File “/home/jkaligato/apps/miniforge3/envs/lefse/lib/python3.12/site-packages/lefse/lefse_plot_res.py”, line 177, in plot_res
else: plot_histo_hor(params[‘output_file’],params,data,len(data[‘cls’]) == 2,params[‘report_features’])
File “/home/jkaligato/apps/miniforge3/envs/lefse/lib/python3.12/site-packages/lefse/lefse_plot_res.py”, line 104, in plot_histo_hor
if len(rr) > params[‘max_feature_len’]: rr = rr[:params[‘max_feature_len’]/2-2]+" […]"+rr[-params[‘max_feature_len’]/2+2:]
TypeError: slice indices must be integers or None or have an index method