How to get "taxonomy.tsv" using a self-built database

Tested with the previously downloaded nt database, but got unsatisfactory blastout results. For the sseqid information, it was not provided in the results.

The results are shown below:



According to your previous statement that WAAFLE’s database is built based on the HUMAnN 2 pangenome database, am I to understand that it is one of the chocophlan databases?

By referring to the answer below, I was wondering if it is possible to generate fasta files for WAAFLE via Struo2 and build the corresponding database via blast. Or is there any better workflow for building usable database files?
[Different chocophlan databases? - #6 by jolespin]( 368/6)

Also, I was using the nt database before just because it could provide the taxonomy file, and it was easy to script the “waafledb_taxonomy.tsv” file, but I don’t have any thoughts on that part if I do it through Struo2.

I am looking forward to your reply!