Hi all - I have some taxa counts I want to run through Maaslin2. Is there a guide for best practicing in normalizing and transforming my data?
Specifically, should I be inputing the raw counts matrix into Maalin2, or is it better to do some sort of relative-abundance (TSS) normalization before? Or should I just the “CSS” transformation in the Maalin2 formula? Or is CSS or CLR recommended? When should I use a Log transformation?
I’d appreciate any sort of information on which options to choose. Thank you!
Here is the code I am currently playing with:
fit.data <- Maaslin2(df , annotations,
fixed_effects = c("condition"), #This is what you are trying to learn on
random_effects = c( "age", "sex"), #vars you are CORRECTING for
plot_heatmap = T,
plot_scatter = T,
cores = 6,
output = "./maaslin_test",
min_abundance = 0,
min_prevalence = 0,
min_variance = 0,
transform = "NONE",
analysis_method = "LM",
normalization = "CSS",
standardize = TRUE)