Error with Humann2_barplot

Hi there, I was following the tutorial using the HMP data. For step [ 5.2 Visualizing stratified HUMAnN2 output ], I try to generate a graph using the HumanN2_barplot script, but it keep getting error. Can you let me how to solve the problem? I am running HumanN2 with Galaxy. Error message is attached below. Thank you.

Job Execution and Failure Information

Command Line

humann2_barplot --input ‘/data/dnb02/galaxy_db/files/013/442/dataset_13442964.dat’ --focal-feature ‘METSYN-PWY’ --sort none --last-metadatum ‘STSite’ --focal-metadatum ‘STSite’ --scaling ‘none’ --width ‘4’ --dimensions ‘8’ ‘4’ --output ‘output.png’


/data/dnb02/galaxy_db/job_working_directory/006/963/6963979/ line 73: humann2_barplot: command not found

Hi there,
I am new to Humann2 and would really appreciate if someone could help me understand the problem of humann2_barplot. I think I did set all the parameters correctly, but it still not work. Just wondering if this is a problem related to the or the script itself? Is there any other Galaxy server has Humann2 I can try or it would be better to run it locally. Thanks ahead!!!

We don’t administer, so I’m afraid I can’t help with debugging problems you’re having there. It looks like they might not have the various helper scripts hooked up properly?

Thank you for the reply!
Just wondering if there is any other galaxy server runs Humann2?

They just fixed the bug!