[e] both db_dna and db_aa are None!


I have an issue when I try to run the following code to build the phylogeny:

hylophlan -i /scratch/users/alamanna/final_unkown_genome/ -d phylophlan --diversity medium --accurate -f custom_config_nt.cfg -o /scratch/users/alamanna/final_unkown_genome/ --nproc 4 -t a --verbose 2>&1

I get the following error, which I do not know how to fix.

Loading configuration file "custom_config_nt.cfg"
Checking configuration file
Checking "/home/users/alamanna/miniconda3/bin/makeblastdb"
Checking "/home/users/alamanna/miniconda3/bin/blastn"
Checking "/home/users/alamanna/miniconda3/bin/muscle"
Checking "/home/users/alamanna/miniconda3/bin/trimal"
Checking "/home/users/alamanna/miniconda3/bin/FastTreeMP"
Checking "/home/users/alamanna/miniconda3/bin/raxmlHPC-PTHREADS-SSE3"
Database folder "phylophlan_databases/phylophlan" present
Database folder "phylophlan_databases/phylophlan" present
[e] both db_dna and db_aa are None!

Thank you in advance for your help!
