I would like to confirm whether HUMAnN performs additional taxonomic assignment beyond what is provided by MetaPhlAn. My understanding was that MetaPhlAn is responsible for taxonomic profiling, while HUMAnN focuses on functional annotation. However, I have observed taxa (e.g., p__Streptophyta) in HUMAnN’s output that are not present in the corresponding MetaPhlAn profile.
Could you confirm whether HUMAnN can assign taxonomy independently of MetaPhlAn, for example, through the use of UniRef annotations?
Additionally, I am using the following command to infer taxonomy from gene families:
humann_infer_taxonomy -l "Phylum" -d uniref90-tol-lca -i humann_genefamilies.tsv -o Phylum/humann_genefamilies.tsv"
Can this method retrieve taxonomic assignments that were not originally present in the MetaPhlAn profile?
Thank you for your help!