AttributeError: 'Clade' object has no attribute 'fc'

When I try to visualize my phylogenetic tree with annotation file, I got this error. Did anyone encounter before?
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/mnt/rstor/CSE_CSDS_VXC204/rxl761/miniconda/envs/graphlan/bin/”, line 79, in
File “/mnt/rstor/CSE_CSDS_VXC204/rxl761/miniconda/envs/graphlan/bin/”, line 947, in draw
File “/mnt/rstor/CSE_CSDS_VXC204/rxl761/miniconda/envs/graphlan/bin/”, line 855, in set_wings
set_wings_rec( self.tree.root )
File “/mnt/rstor/CSE_CSDS_VXC204/rxl761/miniconda/envs/graphlan/bin/”, line 775, in set_wings_rec
f, t = clade.fc.theta, clade.fc.pc.theta if clade.fc.pc else
AttributeError: ‘Clade’ object has no attribute ‘fc’