Announcing HUMAnN 3.0 (alpha)

Greetings bioBakery users! Though some of you have discovered the 3.0 update of HUMAnN on your own, I wanted to more formally announce it here with a link to some release notes about the software:

Feel free to give it a try and let us know if you have any issues with installation or execution. While we’re still working on a few elements of the 3.0 release (pathway definitions, the manual, and updates to certain utility scripts), the central tiered search strategy for getting from reads to species-stratified gene abundance has been thoroughly tested for the alpha release (and, notably, benefits greatly from expanded species and gene catalogs). Enjoy!


So funny thing… I just used pip3 install humann and it installed! :grin:
I am installing the databases now. It will take a bit, I imagine.

Carla Uranga