Shortbred error 0 reads in file


I get the following error when running shortbred on some of our files:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/opt/anaconda/envs/python2/bin/”, line 588, in
dReadLength = float(args.iAvgReadBP), iWGSReads = iTotalReadCount, strCentCheck=args.strCentroids,dAlnLength=args.dAlnLength,strFile = strInputFile)
File “/opt/anaconda/envs/python2/bin/src/”, line 580, in CalculateCounts
sys.stderr.write(“WARNING: 0 Reads found in file:” + strFile )
TypeError: cannot concatenate ‘str’ and ‘list’ objects
(python2) vaccaro1@JOAN9000:~$

The input fasta files clearly have reads in them, so I don’t know why I get this error.


Daniel Barich
Biology Department
Kenyon College

I have also encountered this error running on some .fastq files, where it has previously fully processed others. It also seems to be reporting hits correctly to the intermediate SBhits.txt and This sub-forum doesn’t seem to be too active anymore, but will report back if I manage to troubleshoot it myself.

Reported 19574 pairwise alignments, 19574 HSPs.
17323 queries aligned.
Processing DIAMOND results…
Tabulating results for each marker…
[‘/XXX_R1.fastq’, ‘/XXX_R2.fastq’]Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/install/software/shortbred/biobakery-shortbred-918294a74d70/”, line 626, in
dAlnLength=args.dAlnLength,strFile = strInputFile)
File “/install/software/shortbred/biobakery-shortbred-918294a74d70/src/”, line 558, in CalculateCounts
sys.stderr.write(“WARNING: 0 Reads found in file:” + strFile )
TypeError: cannot concatenate ‘str’ and ‘list’ objects

After some time debugging it seems that the internal calls to convert .fastq to .fasta are not working properly, at least on a subset of my files - possibly a SeqIO deprecation issue?

In any case it was possible at least for me to workaround this by converting the .fastq files to .fasta myself and provide those directly to - may be an option for anyone else encountering similiar issues.