Question about humann 3.9 and vJun23_202403

I want to use humann 3.9 with the vJun23_202403 database version of Metaphlan4.1.1 but I don’t know if it is possible.

HUMAnN 3.x releases are tied to specific versions of MetaPhlAn 4 (and its databases), but in this case HUMAnN 3.9 is paired with the Jun23 marker database, so this should be fine?


I’m hoping to do the same, but maybe a silly question, but how do I install the database correctly?

humann_databases --available
only gives me the 2019 databases.

I have metaphlan version 4.1.1 and humann version 3.9


thank you for your reply.

I also use the 2019 humann database.I think the new humann database needs to wait until the official version of humann4 is released.