Multiple comparisons in

Hi there -
I’m trying to reconcile a few discussions on LEfSe and multiple testing corrections.

Regarding the -s parameter that can be set as discussed above - what type of multiple testing correction is performed when the independent tests (-s 1) option is selected?

Elsewhere in the support forum, it seems that multiple testing corrections was not previously baked into LEfSe (?) and so folks were running the with the alpha set high (ie -a 1) to then take the output to do multiple testing correction with a different tool (ie p.adjust in R).

So as of now (2022), can we reasonably report multiple testing corrections have been performed if we run with the -s 1 option as above?

I’d also like to open the discussion regarding necessity of multiple testing corrections when we’ve got 3 different phases (Anova for class, KW for subclass, and LDA for effect size)