Metaphlan database problem


By referring to the file, Metaphlan run requires two important database files: a .pkl file and a Bowtie2 index file.

I downloaded the file “mpa_vOct22_CHOCOPhlAnSGB_202403.tar”(, and decompress, it includes a.pkl file, _SGB.fna.bz2, _VINFO.csv, and _VSG.fna.bz2.

The _SGB.fna.bz2 file contains 7,339,971 sequences.

But, in .pkl file, Its information is inconsistent with that of the previous _SGB.fna.bz2 file.

import pickle
import bz2

# open pkl file
db = pickle.load('mpa_vOct22_CHOCOPhlAnSGB_202403.pkl', 'r'))
#dict_keys(['taxonomy', 'markers', 'merged_taxon'])

count_taxa = 0
for taxa in db['taxonomy']: count_taxa = count_taxa + 1
print(count_taxa)					#30216 species

count_markers = 0
for marker in db['markers']: count_markers = count_markers + 1
print(count_markers)				#5751328 marker gene
# in _SGB.fna.bz2 file contains 7,339,971 sequences.

So, please check this tar file.