I am using maaslin2 to find which pathways or genes (Humann2 output) is more present in a specific treatment (yes/no cat). I took into account potential “batch effect” (structured dataset where for example sample A2 and A3 were treated but come from sample A1 no treated).
I am using R and I don’t have any heatmap produced. I also have warnings:
Warning messages:
1: In checkConv(attr(opt, “derivs”), opt$par, ctrl = control$checkConv, … :
Model failed to converge with max|grad| = 0.281644 (tol = 0.002, component 1)
2: In checkConv(attr(opt, “derivs”), opt$par, ctrl = control$checkConv, … :
Model is nearly unidentifiable: very large eigenvalue
- Rescale variables?
3: In as_lmerModLT(model, devfun) :
Model may not have converged with 1 eigenvalue close to zero: 1.3e-10
4: In checkConv(attr(opt, “derivs”), opt$par, ctrl = control$checkConv, … :
Model failed to converge with max|grad| = 0.345645 (tol = 0.002, component 1)
5: In checkConv(attr(opt, “derivs”), opt$par, ctrl = control$checkConv, … :
Model is nearly unidentifiable: very large eigenvalue - Rescale variables?
The command I used is the following one:
resMAS<-Maaslin2(count_phy_path, metadata, “maaslin2_path”,
normalization = “NONE”,transform = “LOG”, fixed_effects=“Fermentor”, random_effects = “Subgroup”,
min_abundance = 0,
min_prevalence = 0,plot_heatmap = TRUE)
I probably did something wrong but would be happy to get your feedback.