MaAsLin2 for other type of data

Hi everyone!

I’ve been learning MaAsLin and completed my microbiome analysis by using this wonderful tool. However, i was wondering if Maaslin2 is able to analyze other type of data such as clinical index (e.g. blood pressure, blood lipid and blood sugar) and metabolites (e.g. bile acids), since I noticed that MaAsLin was desiged for microbiome which was described as “typically noisy, sparse (zero-inflated), high-dimensional, extremely non-normal, and often in the form of count or compositional measurements” in paper “Multivariable Association Discovery in Population-scale Meta-omics Studies”.


Another two question occured to me as follows:

  1. is it possible to calculate 95% confidence interval and how to do it
  2. assume that there are three groups : A, B and C, is it right to get A versus B and A versus C by setting reference as B and C respectively in two modles