I had the CHoCOPhlAnSGB database downloaded and updated the config file. I tried with and without the --nucleotide-database
and --protein-database
options. But for some reason, HUMAnN threw the database update msgs when I tried to run it - it got stuck when running metaphlan4. Is there any way of working around the db update msgs?
I use slurm as a job scheduling system so I create a bash script to submit jobs to slurm. The command below is how I run HUMANN.
humann --input 299_Ileum.concat.fastq.gz --threads 14 --memory-use maximum --remove-temp-output --nucleotide-database /mnt/beegfs/kimj32/reference/Humann/chocophlan --protein-database /mnt/beegfs/kimj32/reference/Humann/uniref -o 299_Ileum_humann_out
(biobakery3) [kimj32@cc-dclrilog62 aef10a1deca2d93f80588dc3ff6bb5]$ humann_config
HUMAnN Configuration ( Section : Name = Value )
database_folders : nucleotide = /cm/shared/apps/HUMAnN/3.0/chocophlan
database_folders : protein = /cm/shared/apps/HUMAnN/3.0/uniref
database_folders : utility_mapping = /mnt/beegfs/root/HUMAnN/utility_mapping
run_modes : resume = False
run_modes : verbose = False
run_modes : bypass_prescreen = False
run_modes : bypass_nucleotide_index = False
run_modes : bypass_nucleotide_search = False
run_modes : bypass_translated_search = False
run_modes : threads = 1
alignment_settings : evalue_threshold = 1.0
alignment_settings : prescreen_threshold = 0.01
alignment_settings : translated_subject_coverage_threshold = 50.0
alignment_settings : translated_query_coverage_threshold = 90.0
alignment_settings : nucleotide_subject_coverage_threshold = 50.0
alignment_settings : nucleotide_query_coverage_threshold = 90.0
output_format : output_max_decimals = 10
output_format : remove_stratified_output = False
output_format : remove_column_description_output = False
/tmpvghtuu0m -t rel_ab -o /mnt/beegfs/kimj32/projects/MSAR/Colon_versus_Illeum/work/fb/aef10a1deca2d93f80588dc3ff6bb5/299_Ileum_humann_out/299_Ileum.concat_humann_temp_2h7sgy1a/299_Ileum.concat_metaphlan_bugs_list.tsv --input_type fastq --bowtie2out /mnt/beegfs/kimj32/projects/MSAR/Colon_versus_Illeum/work/fb/aef10a1deca2d93f80588dc3ff6bb5/299_Ileum_humann_out/299_Ileum.concat_humann_temp_2h7sgy1a/299_Ileum.concat_metaphlan_bowtie2.txt --nproc 14
Error message returned from metaphlan :
A newer version of the database (mpa_vJan21_CHOCOPhlAnSGB_202103) is available. Do you want to download it and replace the current one ()? [Y/N]Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/cm/shared/apps/HUMAnN/3.0/bin/metaphlan", line 10, in <module>
File "/cm/shared/apps/HUMAnN/3.0/lib/python3.9/site-packages/metaphlan/metaphlan.py", line 999, in main
pars['index'] = check_and_install_database(pars['index'], pars['bowtie2db'], pars['bowtie2_build'], pars['nproc'], pars['force_download'], pars['offline'])
File "/cm/shared/apps/HUMAnN/3.0/lib/python3.9/site-packages/metaphlan/__init__.py", line 299, in check_and_install_database
choice = input('A newer version of the database ({}) is available. Do you want to download it and replace the current one ({})?\t[Y/N]'.format(index, previous_db_version))
EOFError: EOF when reading a line