How to create Annotation file

Now, I analyte gut microbiome by using qiime2 pipeline.

So, I interest to present data in circular representations of taxonomic and phylogenetic trees by using GraPhlAn but I have no idea how to create annotation file like guide_rings.txt in Tutorial

Kind Regards,

Hi Suwitchaya,

Thanks for your interest in GraPhlAn. To make a tree with GraPhlAn, you need two files: a tree file (e.g. guide.txt) and an annotation file (e.g. guide_rings.txt). The tree file lists all of your taxa. Here, each taxonomic rank is separated by a ā€œ.ā€ (e.g. Family.Genus.Species), and each species will be plotted as a leaf on the tree. The annotation file is a tab delimited file that specifies the parameters of the image, thereby allowing you to add information to the tree. The GraPhlAn GitHub ( page provides information on all of the ways in which you can annotate your tree (e.g. you can change the colour of leaves, you can add rings, etc.). What sort of annotation that you want to add to your plot? Thanks again.



Iā€™m trying to create an annotation file for my newick tree and I wanted to know if there is a tool or if you had a tip to create it quickly and efficiently for many branches and many annotations to add. Thank you for your attention.