Hi Strainphlan developers,
I am working with the strainphlan tutorial recently [StrainPhlAn3 · biobakery/biobakery Wiki · GitHub]. I followed the tutorial to run distmat using Kimura 2-parameter distance. But I see the output has almost all the entries larger than 1. I checked the distmat on their website [EMBOSS: distmat manual ]. It’s strange that this gives a number larger than 1 because the meaning of K is “the total number of substitutions (including revertant and superimposed changes) per
site which separates the two species” [https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/BF01731581.pdf]
I am wondering if this value given by distmat is actually K*100% as a percentage? Thank you in advance for your help!
Best wishes,