Adding a scale bar to a circle plot/ how do I know the scale of my tree

Ive been asked to add a scale bar to a circle plot I made in graphlan,
to my knowledge its not possible to add a scale bar or labelled branch lengths to a circleplot within graphlan?
If so is there a way I can work out the scale of my tree,
I checked and I used the default option ignore_branch_len 0 so the branch lengths have been taken into account in the plot.

Any help much appreciated!
Thank you,

Hi @brijon,

Apologies for the delay in this response. This is not a function within GraPhlAn that we currently support, but I passed it along to the developers as a request for a future version!

On that note: I have seen this type of thing done using ggtee in the past : see this tutorial.

I hope this helps and again apologies on the delay!