Dear Yancong Zhang,
I tried to install MetaWIBELE and requirements using conda. I almost managed to install all except Interproscan. I couldn’t add it into PATH. I always need to go the folder to run it.
However, when I run metawibele preprocess --input raw_reads/ --output demo_metawibele/ --output-basename demo --extension-paired "_R1.fastq.gz,_R2.fastq.gz" --extension ".fastq.gz" --local-jobs 4
using the data provided in the tutorials for 2 samples, it runs without error but when I look at demo_genecatalogs_counts.all.tsv file I have this results:
ID | sample1 | sample2 |
sample1_2-1 | 67 | 5 |
I don’t think this is right but I don’t know where the issue is. Could you please help me with this and how can I also run Interproscan in any directory.
Thank you so much for your help.
All the best,