Question: Why is Microascus differentially abundant?
The attached png titled ‘time_from_first_planting_1’ is generated from Maaslin2. The model is plotted out for Microascus. The model doesnt look like something that would have a significant FDR/qvalue, or have a coefficient of 2.95.
I also split my relative abundance data up in to a first half of the season, and a second half, and calculated average relative abundance. If you look at the attached Table 14, youll see that the relative abundance for Microascus is the same for the first and second half of the season (=0.02). Whereas, the relative abundance of Davidiellomyces does change between the first and second half of the season. The plot for Davidiellomyces is also uploaded, as time_from_first_planting_2, for reference.
(Just an FYI- I calculated the relative abundance for Microascus and Davidiellomyces between locations, not Maaslin2
Here is my code:
H_genus_dfsos_CAref = Maaslin2(input_data =genus_rel_abundH_noFL_4maaslin,
input_metadata = Hsampledata_dfsos,
analysis_method = “CPLM”,
transform= “NONE”,
min_prevalence = 0,
min_abundance = 0,
normalization = “NONE”,
random_effects = c(“Monthlot”),
output = (“/local1/workdir1/tw488/CIDA/ITS_Maaslin2_Output/H_GENUS_ITS_dfsos_output_08142024”),
fixed_effects = c(“Location”,“time_from_first_planting”),
reference = c(“Location,CA”),
max_pngs = 200,
Thanks so much!